Vascular Society for Limb Salvage

VSLS – Vascular Society for Limb Salvage was establish on January 1, 2012.

The Society for Vascular awareness was formed to educate physicians and other scientists in the field of medicine by means of scientific sessions, obligations and such other instructional programs.

VSLS – Vascular Society for Limb Salvage was formed with a view of getting the funds together so that some needy patients can be helped. The aim was also to educate the public through leaflets, Radio, TV Programs and Public Lectures.


  • To promote public awareness about Vascular Diseases i.e. improve understanding about the prevention, diagnosis, investigation, and treatment of vascular disease (both arterial and venous).
  • To promote professional development and initiate training and research in the field of Vascular Disease especially studies to find the incidence and prevalence of vascular diseases in our community.
  • To collaborate and work with the physician at all levels to promote vascular disease awareness.
  • To organize scientific programmes such as conferences and workshops about vascular diseases for different group of doctors.
  • To be a resource for continuing medical education programmes, audiovisual materials, etc related to vascular surgery.
  • To do anything else that may be conducive to the attainment of any or all of the above objectives such as conference attendance, training programmes for health service providers, procurement of staff, stationary, computer materials, audiovisual aids for the development of this branch in this area.