What are varicose veins?

The veins in our body consist of small one-way valves that let the blood flow in one direction only. These valves close to prevent the blood from flowing backward. Sometimes, these valves get weaken and lose their elasticity which leads to blood flowing in the opposite direction. And when the blood flows backward and pools in the veins. These overfilled veins with faulty valves are known as varicose veins. Varicose veins appear swollen and twisted have often have a purple or red color.

Is it a serious medical condition?

Varicose veins are quite common and often considered as only a cosmetic problem. However, in some cases, varicose veins can cause discomfort or pain and also lead to serious medical issues. Sometimes these swollen veins signal to certain circulatory problems and in such cases, varicose vein treatment or vascular surgery is required.

What are the symptoms of varicose veins?

In some people, there are no other symptoms except that the appearance of varicose veins is noticeable. Apart from the cosmetic concern, other signs and symptoms are:

  • Lumpy and swollen veins
  • Skin discoloration around varicose veins (often bluish or brown in color)
  • Heaviness, aching and pain in the legs (especially after exercise and night)
  • Redness and Itching on the affected area
  • Cramps in the thighs or calf
  • Smaller veins on the skin surface (known as spider veins)
  • Longer than normal bleeding after a minor injury
  • Swollen ankles
  • Skin thickening around ankles and legs
  • Skin ulcers that heat slowly than normal

How are varicose veins diagnosed?

Your doctor will examine your legs and feet. Varicose veins are visible, especially while standing up. You may be asked about any symptoms or pain you are having. Your doctor will check your legs for swelling, sores, skin discoloration, tender areas, or any other skin breakdown sign.

The doctor may want to run some additional tests. You can be asked to get an ultrasound done which is a non-invasive test performed with high-frequency sound waves. This test is done to check how the blood is flowing in your veins and in what direction. This test will also reveal any blood clots or obstructions you may have in your veins.

If you are seeking a diagnosis for or treatment for Varicose Veins call our Vascular Surgery Centre now at (828)-381-7442 to ask any questions you may have or schedule a consultation. Or you may use the Contact Us Form to ask or schedule with us.